Ep.39 Different Priorities for the Vaccine

Different Priorities for the Vaccine

Ian Andrew is chief executive of the British Pest Control Association (BPCA) and is also on the board of the Confederation of European Pest Management Associations (CEPA). Ian is therefore one of the key leaders in our industry’s associations and is currently occupied organising the upcoming PestExtra virtual event.

With the way forward out of the lockdown announced in the UK – the ‘road map’ – BPCA is campaigning to get pest controllers, and for that matter all key workers, brought up the vaccination priority list. Key workers have kept the economy running, so is it not right that their contribution is recognised?

Likewise, BPCA is pushing for technicians to get easier and more cost effective access to Covid-19 lateral flow tests – a requirement demanded prior to technicians accessing several customers – and having to be paid for by the companies themselves.

Our TPM host, Daniel Schröer, compliments BPCA on all the excellent coronavirus guidance material it has produced.


The topic of the mental health of those working within the industry is revisited – an update on the previous TPM interview in early May 2020. This followed a survey undertaken by BPCA which revealed that 44% of respondents claimed they were, or had, suffered from mental health issues. Often regarded as a taboo subject, feedback from BPCA’s activities has been very mixed, but as Ian says: “We all need to look after our mental health and do need somewhere to vent our feelings if faced with a problem.”

Ian congratulates Bayer for their support of the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) who is working both with BPCA and also in the golf sector, with the British and International Golf Greenkeeping Association (BIGGA) to assess how they can best support these industries. CALM has two sessions presenting their activities at the forthcoming PestExtra event.

Visit PestExtra on 16-18 March

Within a matter of days, take the opportunity to join BPCA at PestExtra running on 16, 17 and 18 March. Ian explains how disappointed the team was to have to cancel PestEx 2021, which will return next year, but instead there is a virtual event – PestExtra.

Much effort has gone into its preparation and it combines not only five concurrently run seminar theatres, but also a coffee lounge where delegates can ‘meet and chat’, roundtable discussions and a scavenger hunt with prizes. Add this to over 40 exhibitors and you certainly have a busy three days.

Aware that such virtual events may be new to many delegates, Ian details how a series of videos (click here to view) has been produced to help delegates become familiar on what is available and how it all works.

So, don’t delay, full details here